Friday 13 April 2012

First Love

My first eva attempt at a short story..!!

Finally, after all the waiting for so many years, it was time for her to leave. Today she was chiefly elated. However, she saddened at the mere thought of her departure. Yes, the day had arrived, when she would leave behind ‘everything’ – in the literal sense of the word! Memories constituted a major part of that ‘everything’ coupled with other minor things. Recollections vividly kept flowing in her mind. They ranged from the day she achieved her first ever trophy – and the hugs and the praise that followed that day, the day she became a teen, her numerous fights with her parents on petty issues, the lonely days – when she wished she had siblings, the day her dad handed over to her – the love of her life – ‘Angel’, the thought-provoking jogs with her dad everyday, the day she ultimately agreed to pursue engineering, the days she felt an unknown high, the days she felt drained, the day she bid a goodbye to her teens, the day she landed her first job (though as an intern) and finally to the day she became an Engineer (something she toiled for, day in and day out).
She surrendered to her reminiscent thoughts. She marinated herself in nostalgia. She recalled the day when she felt as if she was on the top of the world. It was precisely the day she received roaring applause for the poem she wrote, for a National Poem Contest. Amongst all the entries submitted by countless participants throughout the country, it was ‘her’ poem – that stood apart. At least that is what the judges thought. Somehow, that day, she felt that she won by fluke. But today, looking back – she felt that the award was justified. Yes, she rightly deserved it. The poem, after all spoke about the inexplicable grief that a girl faces, to leave her maternal home. It eloquently articulated the short sweet life of a woman – in her mother’s house. Today she could sense the ‘magnitude’ of that separation, she penned then.

Since the last couple of months, she was readying herself for this journey that she would soon embark upon. Celebrations were in swing for the past one week, to present her with a pleasant send-off. All her kith and kin had gathered to bid her a fitting farewell and to wish her all the luck in life.

She had read writers echo, that there’s no place like home, that no spacious palaces, even with inbuilt amenities and personal service could ever stand competition to one’s own house and to the care showered by one’s loved ones. Those words kept reverberating, in her head. They kept resurfacing her already muddled mind.
As she took a final glance at the wide array of her childhood photos on the beige wall, her eyes felt moist. And not within moments, her cheeks became wet. She longed to stay right here, with her very own parents. However, the parting was inevitable.
Her love was standing right there, to be felt by her!

She realized that today, she was no more that innocent child, that everyone said she was. Neither was she that tantrum throwing teenager (like her dad always protested). She was a grown-up today. Independent enough, to survive on her own terms. A wonderful woman, of marriageable age.

Ever since she was mature enough to understand and interpret her own thoughts, her own sane mind, she had been eagerly awaiting this journey. She desperately desired for comfort in her distorted life. She was in dire want of a company, a friend; she could share her life with.
She knew, that this was the most perfect and firm decision, that she’d ever made in life. Surprisingly, even her parents approved of her resolution. After all, this decision was as significant as it sounded, because it was going to bestow her with a companion for LIFE.

She mustered all the gumption she had, and for the last time prepared herself to leave. She couldn’t stop the tears from trickling down. She tightly hugged her mom – the person she would miss the most. She would miss munching upon the world’s most delectable parantha, the world’s most delicious chocolate cake – all prepared by her mom, an ardent cook. She couldn’t stand her dad’s hidden tears. She sensed a lump in her throat. She embraced her dad, the third time since dawn. Next were her best friends, who stood by her, irrespective of her sickness and good health. And next to them, was her grand mom, and followed by her were her cousins – she spent happier times with. How she would miss them all!
Weighed down by the immense care and love these creatures offered her through her growing up years, she stood with a heavy heart.

It was time for her to embrace the love of her life. Her companion - ever since she was 15, an age big enough to comprehend the people and interests of life. Oh my! How impatient was she! She couldn’t wait any longer to bask in the laps of her love. She badly wanted to drown herself in that chaste love.

The relationship that they shared was the one that survived the storms of time. The one that faced stern opposition – from her parents, at one time.
It was the one – marked by all the problems possible on earth.
The one that lacked the required strength and confidence, in its initial stage.
It was one affliation that overpowered all the love stories on the planet.

Yes, she was heading with her head held high, to the world's best institute of literature, to study indulge in her first love, to accomplish her winnable dream!!