Wednesday 4 January 2012

My chweetest chum..!!

     She is an enigma, has killer looks, is ravishing, effervescent and every word that can fit in!
She has myriad interests. She is a chatter box, a mimicry artist, a graceful dancer, an aspiring actress, a fashionista in countless respects and the attention-getter who prefers style or moreover any crap over studies. Somehow, studies and she; they simply are each others enemies.
Furthermore, she’s a person with a warm heart and a benevolent character. She possesses a heart that owns every sorrow of her friends as her own; and a person without whom, the gang looses its sheen.
She’s an ordinary (Bit-too-much ;) ) girl that you would notice. However, there’s something innately distinct and exceptional about her that makes her a sweetheart, something that secedes her from everyone I know.
She has left a lasting imprint with her ever so jovial hugs and minuscule yet blissful acts. This impression, for reasons will never wilt. She carved a soft corner for herself in me, with her spooky tales, with her NV jokes, with her tiny yet precious pleasantries, with her I-care-for-you attitude, and last but not the least, for everything that she is!
      I vividly remember her first day; she was a blend of bewilderment, exhilaration and some reticent smiles! My talk that day never really helped me in bringing her to ease. Stalkers and guys would torment her, was something my intuition informed me about, on the first day itself! And lo, the same has been stirring since then…
In actuality, the union wasn’t a cakewalk, and for that matter, it wasn’t that thorny either. The initial talks between an absolute fashionista and a geek-turned- a little trendy person are always awkward. Silence constituted a major part of our conversations. In the start, it was intricate to get along. Gradually, bland and clumsy talks started being replaced with more spicy and amiable ones…and friendship took birth.
Somehow, there was ‘zilch’ that was common between us. We had opposite mindsets. However, science says: ‘Opposites attract’! And so, science was a catalyst, in bringing us together!
There are minute matters that, I would love to bring to her notice. The makeup on my birthday, the humble hugs, and the praise for tiny things, the sweet smiles, the awesome pecks, d 'laapsi-wale' ecstatic screams, the support during Anees Sir’s lecture, the incessant guffaws; though trivial and insignificant to her, mean a great deal to me.
Hopefully, the amity will continue to blossom along the journey… and will attain the highest degree, with years to come!
By the way, I never told you her name, right?
       She’s ‘HITALI’, who’s my ‘well-wisher’, precisely like her name suggests! 

My luv, my lyf....nd datz far 4rm xaggeration....! mwaah...!! Luckiest 2 hav u in ma lyf, angel!

The bond that we share,
Can put even our boyfriends to shame! :P